Discovery club is a fortnightly, online coaching group. It is a confidential, safe space for you to explore, with me and your fellow discoverer’s, just what you want out of life, how to get it and what makes it so important in the first place.

Every other Wednesday, 8pm to 9.30pm

Trying to achieve any goal on our own can be tough going. However, when you have support and a group of like minded individuals to spur you on, the world really is your oyster.
Whatever you want to achieve, it becomes a whole lot easier with a team of cheer leaders that will share in your success and encourage you through your challenges.

Over the years I don’t know what I would have done without my coach and my group of positive supporters.
They are worth their weight in gold!

Whether you are losing weight, writing a book, starting a business or having a change in career, it all boils down to the same thing. We need the right magic ingredients to make it happen.

Motivation, confidence, enthusiasm, inspiration, support and an internal belief that we CAN do this!

Discovery club can help you have all that you need. You will leave each session with a wonderful sense of purpose and renewed determination to fulfill those life changing goals.





At just £25 per person per session

For one person: Pay Here

So come and join us, we would love to have you there. xxx

If you are ready to change your life and really go for it, just click on the links and book your place.