The Discovery Programme

I am thrilled to be bringing you such a focused and comprehensive Life Coaching Programme.

Together we will go on a journey that will enable you to really get to know yourself and help you to find your own powerful solutions to whatever life may throw at you.

During 12 in-depth sessions we will look at what you want to achieve, your balance of life, your positive and negative beliefs, and what is truly important to you.

We will work our way around the 8 sections of your life taking a thorough and step-by-step approach.

Breaking down each element to really get into the heart of what is really going on for you and looking at what may be holding you back so that you can find the best way forward for you.

By doing this it can be less overwhelming than trying to look at everything as a whole. As we will look at each section in turn, you will notice almost a domino effect as each area improves, it has a knock on effect in other areas of your life.

Your confidence will start to soar and with each session your understanding of yourself will enable you to build on your expectation of what you can actually achieve.

It’s going to be challenging at times, but I will be there with you supporting you as we explore together.

We will take clues from the past to enable you to build on what you already know, although we will be very much focused on the here and now, seeing how you can look forward and have a solid plan for the future.

Often coaches will have a specific niche so that you can look at just one or two areas of your life. I prefer a balanced, holistic approach.

You are after all, a whole person with many gifts and different challenges. It’s important to have a really good clear-out of everything that has been holding you back, and celebrate the areas where you excel.

Giving you a sense of clarity and pride in who you are and how you show up in the world.

We will finish with an empowering last session where we reflect on the journey you have taken and how far you’ve come. It’s an opportunity to cement your new way of viewing yourself in a very positive and powerful way.

I love to work with anyone who is determined to work on themselves, be open and honest about how things actually are, and are willing to put in the time and effort required to make significant change.

It really is a case of the more you put in, the more you get out.

There is no magic wand, but you will get a sense that something amazing and exciting is taking place.

The Programme includes:

Week 1: Initial Discovery session.
Week 2: Beliefs, how you view the world?
Week 3: Values, what’s important to you?
Week 4-11: Each area of you life, based on a wheel of life.
Week 12: Recap, reflect and empower session.

You can choose to have weekly, fortnightly or monthly sessions depending on your budget or how quickly you want to see results.

The overall investment is £1,080 for 12 Sessions:

Pay either by lump sum of £1,080

or £360 monthly standing order for 3 months (12 Weekly sessions),

or £180 for 6 months (12 Fortnightly sessions) or

£90 for 12 months (12 Monthly sessions). You decide.

Here is a lovely testimonial I received from one of my recent clients:

“I chose to enrol in Jane’s 12 Week Discovery program just recently. This was something I’d always been interested in and wow am I glad I did! We spent 12 sessions looking into the different segments that we call life. Each area came with different emotions and many highs and lows.
The program really allowed me to tap and tune into my feelings and emotions. Some good and some not so good. This was absolutely necessary for me to do with Jane’s support.
The program also allowed me to understand what I wanted to change, as well as perhaps what I didn’t actually need to really change! It gave me motivation, ideas and enthusiasm.
Jane’s amazing coaching gave me the confidence I needed. The confidence for me to say to myself “I’m doing my best” and “I am enough”. Life is not perfect and it doesn’t need to be.
I thoroughly enjoyed the Discovery Journey. I can honestly say after battling with Anxiety for many years it’s fabulous to say “life is good “.
Thank you Jane for your positive energy. Your support and encouragement. I ended the program feeling somewhat lighter. As well as looking forward to my future!”
M H, Croydon.

If you would like to benefit from The Discovery Programme, please contact me to have a discovery chat, so that we can assess if it will be a good fit for you. I really look forward to coaching you, Jane xx